New Year’s Day is very important season for Japanese people. From January 1st to 3rd, many companies and shops are closed, families in the distance […]
New Year’s Day is very important season for Japanese people. From January 1st to 3rd, many companies and shops are closed, families in the distance […]
Because persimmon has been transmitted from Japan to the United States and Europe, it is called KAKI even in English. In the autumn, we […]
It was born from 禅【ZEN】monk’s culture and completed by great tea master,千利休【SEN‐NO‐RIKY CONTENTS: 1.History of 茶【CHA/tea】.Tea was drunk as medicine to awake and shape their […]
In Japan, the lunar calendar had been used until the Western sun calendar has adopted by Meiji government in 1872. So, peach flowers do […]
How to make MA-CHA for beginners You can easily make Macha green powdered tea in your home! ・抹茶【Macya】Green powdered Tea about 2g 茶碗【Chawan】A tea […]
懐石【KAISEKI】literally mean ‘holding stone’ cuisine. It comes from Zen monks holded warm stones to ease their hunger.Light meal enough to avoid to drink strong stimulate […]
茶事【CYA-JI】is like an spectacular symphony it lasts as long as 4 hours, while 茶会【CYA-KAI】is only one part of it and it takes about 30-40 minutes. […]
GODZILLA is an ancient huge creature mutated by a nuclear bomb experiment. It is an human created disaster and human have to fight with it by […]
南無阿弥陀仏/浄土教系 浄土宗 浄土真宗 禅宗/只管打坐 曹洞宗 南無妙法蓮華経/日蓮宗 密教/曼荼羅 密法
南無妙法蓮華経【NAM-MYOUHOU-RENGE-KYOU】 It is famous mantra that Japanese say imagine as mantra 南無【NAMU】 means believe strongly or devote into something . ▶︎ex. 南無阿弥陀仏【NAMU-AMIDABUTSU】 is […]
You need to prepare many items to wear Kimono. 1.襦袢【JYUBAN】Portuguese(gibão) 〈Arabian (جبة jubbah) At first, you wear 襦袢【JYUBAN】under Kimono like a shirt or blouse. […]
和生【WANAMA】literally mean “WA=Japanese Raw Sweets” ,because it contains moisture than other dried, or half dried sweets. 和生【WANAMA】or 練り切り【NERI-KIRI】/ 饅頭【MANJYUU】/ 羊羹【YOUKAN】/ 鹿子【KANOKO】/ 桜餅【SAKURA-MOCHI】/ 花びら餅【HANABIRA-MOCHI】/ 柏餅【KASHIWA-MOCHI】/ 水無月【MINATSUKI】/ […]
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