鯛焼き【TAI-YAKI】literally means “baked red snapper or sea bream”
is fish shaped pancakes filled with あんこ【AN-KO】sweet bean paste.
It is interesting in front of a TAI-YAKI stand to watch so many TAI fish shaped pancakes are
baked on the plate TAI fish shape patterns are lined in winter or Fall.
Most simple recipe of TAI-YAKI’s dough is cake flour, eggs, sugar, water or milk and baking powder.
White TAI-YAKI with Tapioka powder slightly sticky texture is also popular in recent years.
Most popular is ANKO sweet bean paste or custard cream, recently various kinds of cream or
ingredients came out.
It is a standard to eat very hot TAI-YAKI in cold season, but recently cooled TAI-YAKIs are
sold in summer and we can eat it throughout the year.
▶︎たこ焼き【TAKO-YAKI】 popular boll shaped snack chopped octpus is in it.▶︎鯛【TAI】 : The king of fish is the special cuisine for Japanese people.