お膳【O-ZEN】Traditional formal tableware style of Japanese dishes for seasonal events 

お膳【O-ZEN】Formal table wares of Japanese traditional style dishes for seasonal events.
膳【ZEN】is a small table/ a tray having legs for each one person.

Traditionally, お椀【O-WAN(Bowls)】with each lids for each kind of dishes are equipped.

They are made of wood and lacquered sup of 漆【URUSHI】tree so many times, and having beautiful shiny red or black surfaces.
Bowls of which hems are lined with golds are called 金縁【KIN-FUCHI】.

Some Some bowls have beautiful patterns by tecnique called 沈金【CHIN-KIN(Sinked Gold)】 like 鶴【TSURU(Clanes)】, 松【MATSU(Pine Trees)】, 竹【TAKE(Bamboo)】, 梅【UME(Plum Flowers)】, 波【NAMI(Ocean Waves)】, 千鳥【CHIDORI(Plovers)】and others.
It is said that red ones are for males, and black ones those insides are red are for females.

The most formal style of Japanese traditional dishes are called 本膳料理【HONZEN-RYOURI( (Main tray Cuisines)】.  Their patterns are developed among during early society of SAMURAI in 室町【MUROMACHI(13-15 century)】and they served such a style of dishes at each seasonal events. Nowadays, we can watch them only in traditional style restaurants, new year dishes, or Shintoism/Buddhism style ceremonies:お食い初め【O-KUIZOME(The first eating ceremony for babies)】, 法要【HOUYOU(Buddhism Ceremony)】, お供え【O-SONAE(Offering for dead people on 仏壇【BUTSUDAN(Buddism Alter)】.

Those styles are arranged depend on restaurants or cookers nowadays:
Only one set, Putting the second and third set together, or serving them in order like 会席料理【KAISEKI RYOURI】in 旅館【RYOKAN(Traditonal Inn)】.
懐石料理【KAISEKI RYOURI】in 茶事【CHA-JI】of 茶道【SADOU】is influenced by this style deeply too.

●一の膳【ICHI no ZEN(The First Table Set)】
・ご飯【GOHAN/MESHI(Steamed rice)】
・汁【SHIRU(Soup)】usually Miso-soup
・煮物【NIMONO(Boiled dishes)】
・なます【NAMASU(Traditionally Vinegared Vegetables or Fishes)】

●二の膳【NI NO ZEN(The Second Table Set)】
・汁【SHIRU(Soup)】Clear Soup called すまし汁【SUMASHI JIRU】
・杯【HAI】A small cup for 酒【SAKE】

●三の膳【SAN NO ZEN】
・汁【SHIRU(Soup with ingredient)】
・刺身【SASHIMI(Sliced Raw Fishes)】
・鉢物【HACHI‐MONO(Dish in a bowl)】

●四(与)の膳【YO NO ZEN(The Fourth Table Set)】
・焼き魚【YAKI-ZAKANA(Grilled Fish)】

●菓子椀【KASHI-WAN(Sweet Bowl)】

●徳利【TOKKURI】A bottle for 酒【SAKE】