How to behave at tea ceremonies for very beginners.

Tea”Ceremony Demonstration for beginners”
We will go to anywhere you called to demonstrate for beginners how to enjoy Tea ceremony.

On the stage or some space,

What happen in the tea room?
What is the role of 正客【SHO-KYAKU】 main guest?
Secrets on the Tea Garden’s path to the Tea room.
How to eat sweet and drink Machya? Turn a tea bowl?

2108.3.30 天寿園【TENJYUEN】 3:00PM-5:40PM
Fee 8,000yen per one person
Kimono 5,000yen

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Fee 4,000yen
KIMONO 3,000

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When you finished this lecture takes about 30-40 minutes,
You can join the tea ceremony actually♪