At first…
When you have arrived at Niigata-city, please go to the top of high building(ex. TOKI-MESSE or MEDIA-SHIP). You would see the landscape of Niigata city from there 360° panoramic view.
<MOVIE(From the top of TOKI-MESSE>
The Japan’s longest river 信濃川【SHINANO-GAWA】 is winding and running among town and flowing to 日本海【NIHON-KAI】Japan sea, with port called 西港【NISHI-KOU(South port)】, an entrance to 佐渡【SADO】island and 北海道【HOKKAIDOU】.
When you see an east area, there is the Japan’s widest river 阿賀野川【AGANO-GAWA】river and you would find 東港【HIGASHI-KOU(East Port)】international cargo port, factory industrial area, and international and domestic airport.
High way are connected to bypass roads which are running all through Niigata-city and you can use them for free (The most important transportation for Niigata people is cars), and there is also viaduct rail of 新幹線【SHINKANSEN(Bullet train)】to 東京【TOKYO】by 2 hours.
On the south area of Niigata station, you’ll find 鳥屋野潟【TOYANO-GATA】lagoon and huge rice fields bring rich harvest of Japan’s No.1 rice brand KOSHIHIKARI over that. There are also succor and baseball stadiums of Albirex, and some amusement dorms. As a name of 新潟【NIIGATA】means “New Lagoon” shows, there are lagoons water birds and nature watching can be enjoyed in west and north.
They all are on the huge plain called 越後平野【ECHIGO-HEIYA】facing to Japan sea, except 弥彦【YAHIKO】and 角田【KAKUDA】mountains looks far southwest area.
🔶Niigata city is divided into 8 area; Central/West/East/South/North/
Akiha(Autumn Leaf)/Nishikan(West-Kanbara(reed plane))/Kounan(South River)/
1. Niigata city is the largest west coast city in Japan called “The City of Water”, surrounded by Japan sea, two very large livers and there are many lagoons.
2. In 19-20 Century, Niigata had the most population in Japan and it’s still a historical port city having a tradition of 芸妓【GEIGI/GEISHA】, classic restaurants and villas including rich seafood merchants, politicians and great farmers.
3. Famous for No.1 brand KOSHIHIKARI 米【KOME(rice)】 and a town of fermented foods named 沼垂【NUTTARI】 like 酒【SAKE】, 味噌【MISO】, 醤油【SYOUYU】, 納豆【NATTOU】, fish from Japan sea, and high quality fruits and vegetables in suburbs in tourism farms.
4. Pop culture like MANGA and ANIME, local idols, cosplay event, Ramens, unique “B-rank” gourmets, local beer and wine, ONSEN and recommended restaurants popular among local people.
1. Niigata city is the largest west coast city in Japan called “The City of Water”, surrounded by Japan sea, two very large livers and lagoons.
NIIGATA-CITY is the biggest city in the west coast of Japan. With a population of 775,000, Niigata City has the largest habitable area of any city in Japan.

It is called “Water City” because it’s surrounded by 日本海【NIHON-KAI(Japan sea)】, and two livers ; the longest 信濃川【SHINANO-GAWA】and the largest 阿賀野川【AGANO-GAWA】 .
Especially for the very center of the city, it looks like an island because that area is surrounded by NIHON-KAI Sea , SHINANO-GAWA River and Water diversion gate named SEKIYA-BUNSUI .

▶Niigata city was an important port city which had the largest population in Japan from 江戸【EDO Period(17~19C)】to 明治【MEIJI】with many large houses of merchant, politicians and tradition of 芸妓【GEIGI/GEISHA】.
Niigata city was an important port city which had the largest population in Japan from 江戸【EDO Period(17~19C)】to 明治【MEIJI】with many large houses of merchant, politicians and tradition of 芸妓【GEIGI/GEISHA】.
Niigata city had the largest population in Japan from the end of 江戸【EDO (18C~19C)】to the beginning of 明治【MEIJI(19C~20C)】.
※During 江戸時代【EDO period(1600-1868)】 which had lasted about 200 years after 戦国【SENGOKU(Battle-Age)】of Samurai warriors, was peaceful era without any wars. Ports of country is closed foreign countries except Netherlands, and a lot of Japan’s unique cultures were blossomed.
When it comes to 明治時代【MEIJI(1868-1912)】, EDO government forced to open some ports to foreign countries and Japanese life style like wears, politics, architectures westernized rapidly.
In EDO era, Japan’s domestic ships called 北前船【KITAMAE-BUNE(North Bound Ships)】going around all over Japan by west coast because of the tide of stream.
Niigata port was one of important ports and various kind of products has gathered.
For example, many region’s techniques of 漆【URUSHI (Japan lacquer wares)】were brought and nowadays, table ware of 新潟漆器【NIIGATA-SHIKKI(lacquer wares)】is selected as Japan’s traditional crafts designated items by minister of Japan because of those quality and variety.
At that age, 古町【FURUMACHI】street was patented area of URUSHI-NURI/SHIKKI.
Old downtown era 古町 西堀 東堀 本町
It’s very easy to find place where you want to go from the address like KYOTO.
Hi there! I am very round goldfish, TAMA chan. I’m going to introduce Niigata city’s central downtown,古町【FURUMACHI】 era today♪
At first, there is a 白山【HAKUSAN】神社【JINJYA】 Shrine and
公園【KOUEN】Park at the beginning area of down town.
You can see large red 鳥居【TORII】 of 白山【HAKUSAN】 shrine.
The 古町【FURU-MACHI】 street is from here to there.
from 1st 番町 to 14番町 near shrine to the sea. We call shrine era up 上古町【KAMI(means UPEER) FURUMACHI】 and near sea era called 下町【SHIMO(means DOWN)-MACHI】 down town.
西堀通【NISHI-BORI-DORI】means West Canal Street is west side of Furumachi St. It is 寺町【TERA-MACHI】mean Temple Town and as the name,there are so many temples.
東HIGASHIBORI Street is east of Furumachi
There are old traditional market HONCYO main town.
Kimono shops
上古町 unique shops fashionable young
本町 traditional market era
花街 Flower town Geigi walking 料亭 (西大畑へ)
西堀 寺町
東堀 台湾綺麗茶芸館
柾谷小路 お土産物ショップ 三越 国際情報大学古町校
古町【FURU-MACHI】 is the central ara of traditional Niigata city.
白山【HAKUSAN】Shrine and Park is the very center of 新潟【NIIGATA】 islad.
The old central era of Niigata city is separated from main island by
信濃川【SHINANOGAWA】liver and acrossed by Japan Sea, it looks floating like an island.
So people sometimes call this era 新潟島【NIIGATA-JIMA】,”Niigata island”.
And the very center of Niigata city is 白山神社【HAKUSAN-JINJYA】Shrine and HAKUSAN Park.
Have a Tradition of OMOTENASHI-hospitality spirit by 芸妓【GEIGI】(we call them so instead of GEISHA, with respect) to entertain sailors and it’s still remains.
Even today, there are many prestigious Japanese restaurants and restaurants in Niigata City. The number of zaibatsu is the largest in Japan, and many mansions, such as the wealthy merchants of shipping wholesalers, the mansions of oil-producing kings, and the mansions of wealthy farmers serving as rice producers, conveyed the prosperity of the city, and produced many politicians to the central government.
So many 芸妓【GEIGI】,Willow trees and Large and Small Canals. and still
You can enjoy GEIGI cultures resonablely.
2. In the 明治【MEIJI-ERA(19C‐beginning of 20C)】, 150 years ago, selected as one of the 5 ports which allowed to trade with foreign countries, population was the top of Japan. You can watch Japanese-western eclectic culture in 西大畑【NISHI-OOHATA Town】era next to 古町【FURUMACHI】area.
Virtual Tours of Japan’s first western style park, prefectual embacy building in Meiji era, villas of great marchants, villas of great farmers, so on is from here.
There are a lot of beautiful wooden villas of rich seafood wholesalers,
Politicians, business men, oil beautiful villas are remaining (some of them are mixing western and Japanese style, called 擬洋風【GI-YOUFUU(Imitating Western Style by Japanese traditional techniques in unique way)】.)
In ancient time, Niigata city’s suburb was very wet land like muddy lakes and people had to rice plant with their body sink until chests enduring the cold.
▶亀田縞【KAMEDA-JIMA】Traditional domestic fabric of kimono, hard to drain and duty. Various kinds of stripe patterns are attractive.
However, in 100 years ago, water diversion gates called 関屋分水【SEKIYA-BUNSUI】was constructed and succeeded
to discharge extra water to the ocean, those lands became beautiful rice fields providing plenty of rice Japan’s NO.1 brand KOSHIHIKARI.
Nowadays, an area of Niigata city’s rice field is the largest in Japan’s government-designated cities. Niigata city became 田園交響都市【DENEN-KOUKYOU-TOSHI(A City Harmonized with Rice fields and Civilization)】by the great efforts of past peoples for a long time.
▶TOURS Planting rice, Fishing and cooking domestic fish dishes, “How to enjoy Niigata’s koshihikari rice”?Lecture, so on.
▶TOURS Enjoying the finest breakfast in your life at straw hat old house with farm’s vegetable, side dishes at local market and steam rice by traditional stove called KAMADO.
▶TOURS Watching theaters or concerts at RYUUTOPIA, Art Culture Institute having beautiful green-planted sky terrace.

The technology was transfered to 黒龍省【KOKURYUU-Plovince】of China, where was also worried by wet land and the memorial park 天寿園【TENJYU-EN】was made as a symbol of both city’s friendship.
▶TOUR Tea ceremony and (Japanese and Chinese style) park guide of 天寿園【TENJYUEN】.
The name of 新潟【NII-GATA】’s GATA mean lagoons. New Lagoons.
In addition of them, there are as much as 16 lagoons including 鳥屋野潟【TOYANO-GATA】placing near central area having large park , Lamuser convention registered 佐潟【SA-KATA】 in west area protecting water birds and animals, and 福島潟【FUKUSHIMA-GATA】represent a original land scape scene as a wet land of Niigata city. A name of 新潟【NIIGATA】’s 潟【GATA】is lagoons!
▶ TOUR to lagoons for bird watchers and nature lovers.
Around 鳥屋野潟【TOYANO-GATA(Lagoon)】, the south area of Niigata station is an amusement place having several entertainment spots in opened rice field.
Around 鳥屋野潟【TOYANO-GATA】, which is placed in the south area of Niigata Station is surrounded by huge number of old 桜【SAKURA】cherry blossom trees. There is also a large park and many people enjoy watching SAKURA in spring season. History and Science museum with planetarium and library are also existence around the lagoon. You’ll see many swans are flying in the sky in the evening of winter.
There are sports stadiums including soccer, baseball and ice skating.
There are also flower and green museum, 天寿園【TENJYU-EN】.
At the center of a city, 萬代橋【BANDAI-BASHI(Bridge)】beautiful bridge decorated by granite stones and having 5 arches is a symbol of the city.
Before the construction of SEKIYA-BUNSUI, the wide of SHINANO River was twice of now.
▶TOURS Basic City guide tour Niigata Station→ Media-ship/TOKI MESSE building’s observatory→ BANDAI BRIDGE → 白山神社【HAKUSAN SHRINE】and 白山公園【HAKUSAN-PARK】→古町【FURUMACHI】downtown area →西大畑【NISHI-OOHATA】.
▶TOURS Traditional factory of 酒【SAKE】The town of fermented 沼垂【NUTTARI】
▶TOURS Do you want to enjoy Shopping? Station, Furumachi, department stores,
Embankment of 信濃川【SHIANANO-GAWA】is Water Side Ring and people are enjoying BBQ, concerts and water activity.
▶TOUR Water Shuttle

▶POP CULTURE Anime and Manga museum, Cosplay event, Maid-cafe
▶TOURS Museum, Aquarium, Plant museum, Northern Culture Museum
Niigata Prefecture is famous for having some of the most snow in the world in winter, but Niigata City, located on the coast, is relatively mild.
しかし100年ほど前に関屋分水と 分水ができ、排水が海に効果的にできたことで日本一の美田に代わりました(その技術は 中国黒竜江省に伝えられその日中友好の記念として、鳥屋野潟周辺に「天寿園」が作られました)。
International event hall 朱鷺メッセ【TOKI-MESSE】and MEDIASHIP are buildings looking like ships as it like port city.国際催事場のある「朱鷺メッセ」、「新潟日報メディアシップ」など周辺には船型の建物が。

- 新潟市は「水の都」と呼ばれる。
- 伝統ある港まちで、江戸末期~明治時代の擬洋風の屋敷や芸妓さんの伝統が残っています。
- ローカルアイドル、漫画、B級グルメなどポップカルチャーがさかん。
- 周辺には酒蔵や味噌蔵の発酵食品のまち、奥座敷と呼ばれる瀟洒な温泉街など。
- 「潟」の名が付く通り潟が多く、白鳥など水鳥の飛来地でバードウォッチングにも。
So, there is a tradition of 芸妓【GEIGI/GEISHA】to entertain sailors(Now, it remains as a corporation).
In the 明治【MEIJI-ERA(19C‐beginning of 20C)】, selected as one of the 5 ports which allowed to trade with foreign countries, population was the top of Japan. 古町・西大畑には、その頃の文明開化の名残が多く見られる。You can watch Japanese-western eclectic culture in 古町【FURUMACHI-Town)】and 西大畑【NISHI-OOHATA Town】era.
日本初の西洋式庭園や県会議事堂をはじめ、多くの豪商・豪農の館などが見学できる。Virtual Tours of Japan’s first western style park, prefectual embacy building in Meiji era, villas of great marchandice, villas of great farmars, so on is from here.
近年はNGT48やNegiccoなど、多くのローカルアイドルも輩出。また漫画家の出身者が多い「アニメ・まんがの街」でもある。Recently, Niigata city is local idols like NGT48 or Negicco. And it is also A “Town of ANIME and MANGA” where many authers are living.
NIIGATA-MATSURI(NIIGATA-FESTIVAL) in every August is celebrating 4 festivals and it last 3 days. Great Fork Dance is Japan’s NO.1 scale 15,000 people dance in same YUKATA by the teams.
▶Do you want to join the festival as a member of dance team?
<新潟市の基本情報/Basic information of Niigata City>
新潟市【Niigata-Shi】is a capital city of Niigata prefecture.It is a “City of Water” having the Sea, Rivers and 潟【KATA】Ragoons. A port city having history and there is a tradition of 柳都芸妓【RYUUTO-GEIGI】.
The largest city in west coast of Japan.Capital of 新潟県【NIIGATA-PREFECTURE】.
新潟市【Niigata-Shi】is a capital city of Niigata prefecture.It is a “City of Water” having the Sea, Rivers and 潟【KATA】Ragoons. A port city having history and there is a tradition of 柳都芸妓【RYUUTO-GEIGI】.
There are also many 潟【KATA(lagoons)】in the city as it’s name “新潟”.もくじ
1.新潟市は『水の都』。海(うみ)と川(かわ)潟(かた)に囲(かこ)まれた、伝統(でんとう)のある湊町(みなとまち)です。 2.柳都芸妓(りゅうとげいぎ)さんのおもてなしと、現代(げんだい)の新潟美人(にいがたびじん)について。半日ツアー 1日ツアー 1泊2日ツアー 季節の行事、イベント 新潟祭 にいがた酒の陣 にいがた食の陣 新潟駅、新潟駅前、新潟駅南口
半日ツアー 1日ツアー 1泊2日ツアー
新潟祭 にいがた酒の陣 にいがた食の陣
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