Niigata city
・Niigata had the largest population in Japan from end of EDO to beginning of MEIJI as important port for KITAMAE-BUNE It still remains Tradition of 芸妓【GEIGI】and 料亭【RYOUTEI(Traditional style restaurants】. ・Niigata port was also selected as one of 5 ports open for foreign countries 150 years ago and beautiful villas are remaining (some of them are mixing western and Japanese style, called 擬洋風【GI-YOUFUU(Imitating Western Style by Japanese traditional techniques in unique way)】.) ・Designated as traditional craftwork by the Minister of Industrial Economy is 1. Various kinds of 漆【URUSHI(Japan lacquerware)】called 新潟漆器【NIIGATA-SHIKKI】. 2. High level techniques and 漆【URUSHI】 are used 新潟仏壇【NIIGATA-BUDDHISM ALTER】. ・沼垂【NUTTARI】 is a town of fermented foods like 酒【SAKE】, 味噌【MISO】,醤油【SYOUYU】, 納豆【NATTOU】, 豆腐【TOUFU】are made for large populations.
1.Nowadays, Niigata is the largest city in the west coast of Japan as you know. Niigata city had the largest population in Japan from the end of 江戸【EDO (17~19C)】to the beginning of 明治【MEIJI(19~20C)】.
Many human and cargo ships going around all over Japan called 北前船【KITAMAE-BUNE(North Bound Ships)】had by west coast because of the tide of stream.
At that age, main way of traffic was canals which were running all over the city, and people were moved by ships mainly. Willow trees were planted along these canals and Niigata was called “the city of canals, Geigis and Willows”. Ms. Isabella Lucy Bird, English woman who visited Niigata at the very beginning of Meiji said Niigata was like Venice in the East.
However, almost all canals were destroyed and changed into roads for cars in 1950’s as people’s transport style were changing, but we can see such a scenes in around Minatopia-museum.
In EDO era, Japan’s domestic ships called 北前船【KITAMAE-BUNE(North Bound Ships)】going around all over Japan by west coast because of the tide of stream.
Niigata port was one of important ports and various kind of products has gathered. For example, many region’s techniques of 漆【URUSHI (Japan lacquer wares)】were brought and nowadays, table ware of 新潟漆器【NIIGATA-SHIKKI(lacquer wares)】is selected as Japan’s traditional crafts designated items by minister of Japan because of those quality and variety.
At that age, 古町【FURUMACHI】street was patented area of URUSHI-NURI/SHIKKI.
白山神社【HAKUSAN-SHRINE】and 白山公園【HAKUSAN-PARK】is the beginning place and the center of Niigata town.
Old downtown era 古町 西堀 東堀 本町
It’s very easy to find place where you want to go from the address like KYOTO.
Hi there!I am very round goldfish,TAMA chan.
I’m going to introduce Niigata city’s central downtown, 古町【FURUMACHI】 era today♪
At first,there is a 白山【HAKUSAN】神社【JINJYA】 Shrine and 公園【KOUEN】Park at the beginning era of down town.
You can see large red 鳥居【TORII】 of 白山【HAKUSAN】 shrine.
The 古町【FURU-MACHI】 street is from here to there. from 1st 番町 to 14番町 near shrine to the sea. We call shrine era up 上古町【KAMI(means UPEER) FURUMACHI】 and near sea era called 下町【SHIMO(means DOWN)-MACHI】 down town.
西堀通【NISHI-BORI-DORI】means West Canal Street is west side of Furumachi St. It is 寺町【TERA-MACHI】mean Temple Town and as the name,there are so many temples.
東HIGASHIBORI Street is east of Furumachi
There are old traditional market HONCYO main town.
Kimono shops
上古町 unique shops fashionable young
本町 traditional market era
花街 Flower town Geigi walking 料亭 (西大畑へ)
西堀 寺町
東堀 台湾綺麗茶芸館
柾谷小路 お土産物ショップ 三越 国際情報大学古町校
古町【FURU-MACHI】 is the central ara of traditional Niigata city.
白山【HAKUSAN】Shrine and Park is the very center of 新潟【NIIGATA】 islad.
The old central era of Niigata city is separated from main island by 信濃川【SHINANOGAWA】liver and acrossed by Japan Sea, it looks floating like an island. So people sometimes call this era 新潟島【NIIGATA-JIMA】,”Niigata island”.
And the very center of Niigata city is 白山神社【HAKUSAN-JINJYA】Shrine and HAKUSAN Park.
The most traditional and historical shopping area is 古町【FURUMACHI】street.
Have a Tradition of OMOTENASHI-hospitality spirit by 芸妓【GEIGI】(we call them so instead of GEISHA, with respect) to entertain sailors and it’s still remains.
In EDO era, Japan’s domestic ships called 北前船【KITAMAE-BUNE(North Bound Ships)】going around all over Japan by west coast because of the tide of stream.
There are many spots it remains us Niigata port at that rime, for example 日和山【HIYORI-YAMA(Hiyori-mountain)】small hill, on the top of it there is a stone sailors can know the directions and see the ships coming to the port. A shrine called 湊稲荷神社【MINATO-INARI-JINJYA(Port-Inari-Shrine)】is known as a shrine 芸妓【GEIGI】came and round the stand of stone dogs called 高麗犬【KOMA-INU(Korean-lions)】because if you changed the rectangle of lions, the weather will go wrong and ships cannot go out the port. So, that Geigi can meet the sailor one more day… By the way, 稲荷【INARI】is kind of deity of rice and the appearance of messenger is a shape of fox. Then, there are also stature of foxes too, and in this shrine, again, the front legs of them are tied up closely by straw ropes. May be, the reason are same… You know, it’s a unique shrine having customs like port city.
Niigata port was one of important ports and various kind of products has gathered. For example, many region’s techniques of 漆【URUSHI (Japan lacquer wares)】were brought and nowadays, table ware of 新潟漆器【NIIGATA-SHIKKI(lacquer wares)】is selected as Japan’s traditional crafts designated items by minister of Japan because of those quality and variety.
At that age, 古町【FURUMACHI】street was patented area of URUSHI-NURI/SHIKKI.
Even today, there are many prestigious Japanese restaurants and restaurants in Niigata City. The number of zaibatsu is the largest in Japan, and many mansions, such as the wealthy merchants of shipping wholesalers, the mansions of oil-producing kings, and the mansions of wealthy farmers serving as rice producers, conveyed the prosperity of the city, and produced many politicians to the central government.
So many 芸妓【GEIGI】,Willow trees and Large and Small Canals. and still You can enjoy GEIGI cultures resonablely.
There was a large battle between end of EDO and beginning of MEIJI. It is called 戊辰戦争【BOSHIN-SENSOU(BOSHIN is a name of year, Battle)】. As you know, Japan was closed the country and isolated internationally for about 200 years intendedly. So, Japan was escaped from conquered by foreign country. However, one day, the large black battle ship of America called 黒船【KURO-FUNE(Black Ship)】has appeared at 浦賀【URAGA】port and compelled to open the country to the 江戸幕府【EDO-BAKUFU(Goverment of EDO governed by 将軍【SHOUGUN】)】. Then, all local readers of 藩【HAN(clans)】were divided into “open county way with emperor”, or “keep closing country with EDO-BAKUFU” and fought all over Japan. Niigata town was one of the battle places and many peoples including alliance clan’s samurais have died.
▶TOURS 関屋【SEKIYA】town where was a battle place of 戊辰【BOSHIN】war’s “last samurais” , at the end of 江戸【EDO-Period 】.
2. In the 明治【MEIJI-ERA(19C‐beginning of 20C)】, 150 years ago, selected as one of the 5 ports which allowed to trade with foreign countries, population was the top of Japan. You can watch Japanese-western eclectic culture in 西大畑【NISHI-OOHATA Town】era next to 古町【FURUMACHI】area.
Virtual Tours of Japan’s first western style park, prefectual embacy building in Meiji era, villas of great marchants, villas of great farmers, so on is from here.
There are a lot of beautiful wooden villas of rich seafood wholesalers, Politicians, business men, oil
beautiful villas are remaining (some of them are mixing western and Japanese style, called 擬洋風【GI-YOUFUU(Imitating Western Style by Japanese traditional techniques in unique way)】.)
沼垂【NUTTARI】ERA is a “town of fermented food”.
沼垂【NUTTARI】is a town of Farmented foods having traditional style factories including 酒【SAKE】,味噌【MISO】,醤油【SYOYU】,納豆【NATTOU】,and 豆腐【TOUFU】.
Niigata city is an old port city which had been prospered as a port of call for from 江戸【EDO Period(17~19C)】. So, there is a tradition of 芸妓【GEIGI/GEISHA】to entertain sailors(Now, it remains as a corporation).
Since it was selected as one of the five open ports, there are areas where an exotic atmosphere remains.
明治初期には世界開港5港のひとつに選ばれ、日本一の人口を誇った。 In the 明治【MEIJI-ERA(19C‐beginning of 20C)】, selected as one of the 5 ports which allowed to trade with foreign countries, population was the top of Japan. 古町・西大畑には、その頃の文明開化の名残が多く見られる。You can watch Japanese-western eclectic culture in 古町【FURUMACHI-Town)】and 西大畑【NISHI-OOHATA Town】era.
多くの豪商・豪農の館などが見学できる。Virtual Tours of Japan’s first western style park, prefectual embacy building in Meiji era, villas of great marchandice, villas of great farmars, so on is from here.
NIIGATA is Japan’s one of leading gastronomic cities.
The quality and amount of production of 米【KOME】-rice and 酒【SAKE】has been the best in Japan for many dacedes.
Fresh 魚【SAKANA】-seafood from the sea of Japan,a varaety of 野菜【YASAI】begetables in the suburbs,and highly cultivated delicious fruits.Gastnoromy of food is also impressing.
古町【FURUMACHI】;literally means “Old Town”, is the Traditional Cental era of Niigata city.
白山公園 白山神社 燕喜館 県政記念館 上古町 本町 西堀 東堀 古町中心商店街 下町 西大畑
You can move by Velo Taxi.
●Do you want to join a real tour?A.Personal tour with Local people friendly guide. B.Fixed time tour with other people and professipnal guide. 1 day tour/Half a day tour <Optional Special Tour> Kimono shops tour/Temple and Shrine tour/Secret Small Paths tour To the Reservation Form
●Do you want to walk around by yourself with vertual charactors? I’ll attend and guide you. Please install me♪ Don’t guide the wrong ways…
Install from here 1 day tour/Half a day tour <Optional Special Tour> Kimono shops tour/Temple and Shrine tour/Secret Small Path tour/
沼垂【NUTTARI】ERA is a “town of fermented food”.
沼垂【NUTTARI】is a town of Farmented foods having traditional style factories including 酒【SAKE】,味噌【MISO】,醤油【SYOYU】,納豆【NATTOU】,and 豆腐【TOUFU】.
新潟【NIIGATA】City, the Biggest City in West Coast of Japan. Having a Tradition of OMOTENASHI-hospitarity spirit by 芸妓【GEIGI】;or GEISYAS of Port City,and now it’s international city having port and airport, open to the world!
Shopping era 万代シティ【BANDAI-CITY】
新潟駅【NIIGATA EKI】Niigata Station
新潟駅 新潟駅前 新潟駅南口 けやき通り
1.新潟【NIIGATA】City, the Biggest City in West Coast of Japan.
Having a Tradition of OMOTENASHI-hospitarity spirit by 芸妓【GEIGI】;or GEISYAS of Port City,and now it’s international city having port and airport, open to the world!
As one of 5 major port cities on the route of 北前船【KITA-MAE-BUNE】;literally means “North Previous Ship”, which was connecting all over Japan, Niigata was the largest population in Japan from the end of the 明治【MEIJI】era to the beginning of 江戸【EDO】.
So many 芸妓【GEIGI】,Willow trees and Large and Small Canals. and still You can enjoy GEIGI cultures resonablely.
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