2023 June 17th(Sat).~Sep.24th(Sun).
●BBQ garden in YASURAGI-TEI at 信濃川【SHINANO-GAWA River】YASURAGI-TEI Water side outdoor lounge.
Sat. Sun. and Holidays 11:00 am ~
You can enjoy BBQ and beer on the bank of Shinano-gawa river.
June30th. ~July2nd.
● 蒲原祭【KANBARA-MATSURI】It’s like a dream to watch a long line of night street stands colorfully light up. / June 30, 1st.July, 2nd.July.
Near 沼垂【NUTTARI】town. 蒲原神社【KANBARA-JINJYA(Shrine)】has fortune telling of that year’s rice crop. About 450 tool stands on the about 1000 m street.
Various kinds of food stands including new menu every year(ぽっぽ焼き【POPPO-YAKI( Niigata’s local food, black sugar taste rectangle shaped steamed buns )】 , 焼きそば【YAKI-SOBA】, お好み焼き【OKONOMI-YAKI】, りんご飴【RINGO-AME(Apple covered red candy)】, かき氷【KAKI-GOORI(Shaved ice with colorful syrup)】, so on) , かたぬき【KATANUKI(cut out a shape of candy seat challenge game)】, colorful grass crafts, water balloon fishing, goldfish scooping, lottery for children, toy shooting gallery and retro style ghost house.
It is like a dreaming, walking and watching around a lot of night stools colorfully light up in the dark.
▶Do you want to walk KANBARA-MATSURI street in YUKATA?
▶Do you want to see 酒【SAKE】and 味噌【MISO】factory in 沼垂【NUTTARI】, the town of fermented foods?
August :
●1st. weekend of every August /新潟祭り【NIIGATA-MATSURI】
The largest event in 新潟市【NIIGATA-CITY】in summer is 新潟祭【NIIGATA-FESTIVAL】is mixed 4 festivals and last 3 days in the first weekend of every Augusts.
Day of 1st. (Friday)
Fork dance wishing development of merchants and industry.
In 民謡流し(Folk dance flow), 15000 people dance in same yukata by their team(many companies, schools, groups of citizen, so on)all over the city including 萬代橋【BANDAI-BASHI Bridge)】 or main streets of 古町【FURUMACHI】 downtown, it’s Japan’s no.1 scale.
▶Do you want to join the festival as a member of dance team in YUKATA?

Day of 2nd. (Saturday)
Water parade on the liver wishing safe of ships. Cerebrating to be selected as one of the open 5 ports to foreign countries 150 years ago(before that, Japan closed the country ports about 200 years in EDO period.).Carry portable shrine 神輿【MIKOSHI】having joy with 神様【KAMI】holy spirits, deity of each towns. At evening, every MIKOSHI gather at 白山神社【HAKUSAN-JINJYA(Shrine)】and it’s one part of climaxes of the festival.
▶Do you want to join the festival as a member of MIKOSHI team in HAPPI wear?
Day of 3. (Sunday)
Fireworks wishing no more large fires. You can enjoy them with musics.
▶Do you want to watch firework from excellent seats ( Beer garden on the top of building? / traditional boat called YAKATA-BUNE / Seats on the bank ?)?

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