System of this tour: All village peoples are really friendly guides and honest hosts who support you during your trip. Please try those all amazing experienses! ●Price of this tour is 17,000 yen~ per one group(It depends on the number of your group).<WATCH THE DETAILS>It includes a large isolated house staying a day(50 people can be accomodated at once) , Local cooking by village moms, watchig a NISHIKI-GOI farm and Fighting Bull's barn,etc(Those are due to the goodwill of villagers,so the content may change depending on the timing,climete,etc.)<TO THE RESERVETION FORM>
YAMAKOSHI is the most recommended place if you wanted to experience Japanese countryside culture,Like 棚田【TANADA】 rice teracces, 錦鯉【NISHIKI-GOI】 caps,and Bull- Sumou Wreslings.
1. There are amazing 棚田【TANADA】rice terraces in the valley of the mountains. 2.It is a birth place of 錦鯉【NISHIKI-GOI】"swimming jewel" carps. There are many KOI-farms in the village. 3.Tradition of 牛の角突き【USHI-NO-TSUNOTSUKI】;Bull Horn Fighting has been last from 1,000 years. 4.Other optional places worth to visit. 5.You can stay at isolated large hose and experience various traditional activities. 6.In 2004, Cruel earthquaces had attacked the village and all people has left the village once. 7.「A TALE OF MARI AND THREE PAPIES」「Millennium YAMAKOSHI」「Digs into Villagers」are movies we recommend to watch before you visit.
1.There are beautiful 棚田【TANADA】rice terraces in the vally among monutains.
Rice Teraces reflect various colors of the sky depend on time.Please bring your camera and take pictures from natural photo spots at the time you prefer.
Blue sky and sunshine, Oragne mysterios sunset.
Amazing Stars of milky way, Moons reflected on each part of rice teracces.
In the early morning, you can see the view of 雲海【UNKAI】;
literrally means “Sea of Cloud”, rush into the valley and cover the rice terraces.
Special note about YAMAKOSHI’s rice terraces is 錦鯉【NISHIKI-GOI】are breed in it.
Beautiful backs of colorful carps are seen in some of them during summer breeding season. It’s amaging to watch huge colorful carps are raised from mud water of pattals.

“Broad Carps”.They are so beautiful fish,have been breeded by mutition from black carps in YAMAKOSHI.
There are several NISHIKIGOI Farms in YAMAKOSHI.
You can watch and buy them at indoor NISHIKI-GOI farms all through a year and you can perchase it if you want.
Large events of fair and selling NISHIKIGOI are held from August to early September many times.
Goldfishes named たまさば【TAMA-SABA】;literally means ” Round Mackeral” because their shape of body is rond and their tail is sypmle like mackeral’s one, also craeted and breed there.
They are breed in large pools and ponds with KOI, so they become very big and called “Giant Goldfish” or “Monster Goldfish” sometimes.
They are strong to illness and coldness of winter, because they have been grown in flesh cold water from mountains. Hand-ride giant goldfish! You can do it at the farm if you want.
Even if it’s difficult to breed NISHIKI-GOI in your home, you can be an owner of NISHIKI-GOI.
3.There is a tradition of 牛の角突き【USHI-NO-TUNOTSUKI】;Cow’s Hone Wrestring which lasts from over one thousand years.
闘牛【TOUGYUU】Bull fighting in 山古志 has been continued more than over 1000 years.
There is a Bull-Fight Field in 虫亀【MUSHUGAME】era, and matches are hold in May to August.
The difference between Bull Figfting in Spain and YAMAKOHI is is fight cow vs human, Yamakoshi’s is fighting between cows. It’s rather sillilar to 相撲【Sumou】 wrestring rule.
Bull fight of 山古志 appears in 南総里見八犬伝【NANSOU-SATOMI-HAKKEN-DEN】 ,a kind of fantasy novel in 江戸【EDO】period about 300 years ago.
An announcer live commentary and explain on the all matches. It’s very interesting that Bulls use their hone teqniques. Actually,they lools understandings what they are doing and have a pride to fight on the field. Bulls are cherished in the village, so 勢子【SEKO】;Chasing Bull Men, pulls bull’s behind legs to stop the fight before bulls are hurt.
There are about 59 cows now and you can watch around burn if you want. Each bull has charactoristic and why don’t you try to find a bull to support?
4.Other optional places worth to visit.
RYUU-JINJYA】;literally mean “High-Dragon” Shrine,staple on the top of stone stairs.
There is a Shrine at the top of long steep stairs.
You can also use elevetor.
Entrance to the shrine is over the survenior shop and you can walk through inside the shop.
“Feel free walking throughout the shop”.118 stone steps to the shrine.You can also use an elevator if you can’t goup stairs.Ori-zuru paper folded clains. Inside the shrine, there hung large paper lanterns from ceiling.Watch your steps carefully when you go down. Old KOMAINU stone lions.
The shops you can use the leaves;KAPPA DOU.
You can get leaves,exchange them into money at KAPPA DOU.
6.An isolated clean, cozy large house.
Stay at isolated private hose and experience Japanese and local traditional cultures.
Inside is colonnade and 50 people can stay at once. If you want to stay with your family and group friends, experience local life… Farmers near the house will help you to get vegetables from farms or local shops. They will teach you how to cook them into local dishes. You need not care about noise to neighbors.Parties can be held without surroundings.

Get local ingredirnts at market or fields,and cook them with moms in the village.
Other Optional Experiense
●Medicine Dishes Class depend on 24 Seasons,Teacher is Ms.Takatsu Moromi. ●茶事【CYAJI】Long version on Matcya Tea Ceremony by Madam Hanzawa Tsuruko,famous by NHK world. Datails
There is a traditional ONSEN RYOKAN INN which has NOH stage in front of building including restaurant and rooms!
Not only watching shows performed every night by OKAMI and other ,but also you can perform by yourself there! How about to Dance,Sing,Play band,Drama,as the place you
It is also recommended to use for company, hobby circles, large family,school trips.
There are large ONSEN hot spring bath and private bath equipped for each rooms.
Fee is including gorgeous dinner course, morning meal, ONSEN bath.
You can select a place you take meals;restaurant,party room,or your private room.
6.All village people are your friendly guides and attendants.
System of this tour: All village peoples are really friendly guides and honest hosts who support you during your trip. Please try those all amazing experienses! ●Price of this tour is 17,000 yen~ per one group(It depends on the number of your group).<WATCH THE DETAILS>It includes a large isolated house staying a day(50 people can be accomodated at once) , Local cooking by village moms, watchig a NISHIKI-GOI farm and Fighting Bull's barn,etc(Those are due to the goodwill of villagers,so the content may change depending on the timing,climete,etc.)<TO THE RESERVETION FORM>
In 2004,Yamakoshi was attacked by qruel earthquake.
You will be shocked to watch the graph of changing numbers of population in this village.
Originally this village’s population was about 1000, but after the earthquake, all the villagers had to evacuate by the politics order and only 10 people were left at that time…However,
However,those who truly love Yamakoshi came back at their own will to live there and rebuild the village. And They want many people to come and live in the village.
Now, the population of the village is same as about 1,000, the same as before the earthquake.
In the past, Japanese rural villages had a great feeling of hospitality, and when strangers visited, they were treated and did all sorts of hospitality.
Now, that custom is fading in the city while Yamakoshi is a typical rural area in Japan.
This tour model can be made only in the land of Yamakoshi.
I highly recommend this amazing tour experience.
Places where you can meet Attractive and passionate people.

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