It’s almost the world of GHIBRI’s animation!
Factory Very Old Constructions of wringer, classic wooden barrels and tank to stock filtered Fresh 醤油【SYOUYU】 Soy souse.
醤油【SYOUYU】 ,necessary seasoning for Japanese life of food is fermented soybeans,wheat with salt.Since江戸【EDO】 period and has been made by the same way in this factory while other large company outmationed.
This factory creating new products beside simple 醤油【SYOUYU】.コトヨ和院【KOTOYO-WAIN】 is added white wine instead of Japanese traditional 出汁【DASHI】soup stock.「新潟県笹神村のこだわり醤油と梅肉を合わせたドレッシングタイプ調味料」,Ume Pickled plum dressing is splendid so I thought that I do not want any other dressing in my life when I taste it.
Japan’s national singer,小林幸子【KOBAYASHI SACHIKO】introduced it at her
blog as the best dressing she has ever met.
Ideas of woman make recent products more modern and attractive.小林 江利子【KOBAYASHI ERIKO 】,a daughter of this company is leading.
You will become a fan of her if you met her even once.She attracts so many people by her positive smile and powerful spirit. You can meet her at many festivals and fairs hold at department stores at all over the country.
If you want to visit here・・・
Optional tour /Serving your country’s food by fresh Niigata ingredients by plates of
Those are 九谷【KUTANI】pottery translated from past generation at KOTOYO brewery.
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