The history and schools of SADO
●小間の茶会【KOMA-NO-CYAKAI】Tea ceremony in a small room less than 4 and half TATAMI mats room. ▶︎四畳半【YO-JYOU-HAN】Room of 4 and a half TATAMI mats ▶︎三畳台目とは ▶︎二畳の茶室 ▶︎一畳の茶室 […]
●小間の茶会【KOMA-NO-CYAKAI】Tea ceremony in a small room less than 4 and half TATAMI mats room. ▶︎四畳半【YO-JYOU-HAN】Room of 4 and a half TATAMI mats ▶︎三畳台目とは ▶︎二畳の茶室 ▶︎一畳の茶室 […]
茶道【SADO】literally means “ The Road of Tea”. When Japanese say 道 ;MICHI or road, it means truth and humanism , or even the rule […]
In Japan,when you start to learn traditional things like 茶道【SADO】tea way, 華道【KADO】flower way, 空手【KARATE】,日舞【NICHIBU】Japanese traditional dance,能【NOU】 etc, you will be supposed to start the practice […]
Macya contains super rich nutrition and arousal effect! As Macya is powdered whole tea leaves, amount of Vitamin C and Catechin is about 20 […]
Tea”Ceremony Demonstration for beginners” We will go to anywhere you called to demonstrate for beginners how to enjoy Tea ceremony. On the stage or some […]
In Japan, we say 茶道【SADO or CHADO】;the way of tea, 花道【KADO】;the way of flowers, 書道【SYODO】 ;the way calligraphy,柔道【JYUDO】;The way of Flexible,剣道【KENDO】The way of sword, 空手道【KARATEDO】;The way of empty hands, so […]
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