▶Kind of 和菓子【WAGASHI】Japanese Sweets in tea ceremony

●和生菓子【WANAMA-GASHI】Beautiful sweets representing flowers, birds, wind, the moon, and beautiful scenes of 4 seasons graphically or abstractly, like 俳句【HAIKU(short poem made of only 18 syllables)】.
They are made from white or red bean paste and no-fat sweets. Literally means Raw-Sweets (Contain water

OTHER KIND OFWAGASHIS IN TEA ROOM: ●<Right>干菓子【HI-GASHI】Literally means Dry-Sweets without water. Small, one-bite size sweets made of expensive Japanese traditional sugar called 和三盆【WA-SANBON】and shaped by traditional wooden block patterns. ●<Left>半生菓子【HANNAMA-GASHI】Literally means half-raw sweets. As that name shows, half-dried sweets made of rice powder.![]()
●饅頭【MANJYUU】(Rice or Wheat powder) Steamed bun stuffed with 餡【AN(sweet red bean paste.)】
●羊羹【YOUKAN】餡【AN(sweet red bean paste)】and 寒天【KANTEN(Ager Gelatin)】are kneaded.