Today is the Buddha’s birthday 花祭り【HANA MATSURI “ or Flower Festival”. It is also called 灌仏会【KANBUTSUE】.
At the temple, people decorate flowers and pour sweet tea on a small statue of Buddha when he was born.
1.As the birth of the Buddha, a legend was made that he walked seven steps, pointing to the heaven and the earth, saying 天上天下唯我独尊 【Tenjou Tenge Yuiga dokuson】and the statue shows the situation at that time. 2.甘茶【Amcha】is a lightly sweet drink made by boiling a vine of a plant similar to gaku hydrangea called 甘茶蔓【Amacha-zuru】. 3.Same kind of events are held in other countries of east and eastsouth Asia.