In Japan, every 3rd.March is Girl’s day or 桃の節句【MOMO NO SEKKU】;Peach blossom festival.It is one of 五節句【GO-SEKKU】.
1.What is お雛さま【OHINASAMA】or 桃の節句【MOMO NO SEKKU】? 2.お雛さま【O-HINA−SAMA】represent the wedding of Japanese royal wedding!Explanation about each doll. 3.What do people eat at 桃の節句【MOMO NO SEKKU】? 4.What is the origin of お雛さま? 5.Get used OHINASAMA dolls reasonably and oridinal 桃の節句セットPeach flower festival set.
2.お雛さま【O-HINA−SAMA】represent the wedding of Japanese royal wedding!Explanation about each doll.
Look at this gorgeous 7 steps display of HINA※(1) dolls❗
Amazingly,almost Japanese families having daughters owns such a set of dolls.
They are displayed praying for girl’s good health and happiness on Girls day,3rd March.
●Those dolls represent a wedding of Japanese royal family in HEIAN period,about 1200 years ago.It helps you to know about Japanese traditional cultures very much.
OK,let’s look at each doll together.
お内裏様【ODAIRI SAMA】is a prince and お雛様【OHINASAMA】 is a princess.
We could see a news of wedding of Prince 徳宮【NORINOMIYA】 and princess Masako in 1993.
NORINOMIYA became Emperor of 令和【REIWA】in 2020.
Today is their wedding ceremony and noble celebrating
・三人官女【SANNIN KANJYO】There are three court ladies serving 甘酒【AMAZAKE】,white sweet sake made from rice.
Lady in the left has a bottle of AMAZAKE .
Right lady has a long ladle.The reason of the “long”ladle is she can add Amazake from fat distance to very noble persons. The right ladies are opening her lips slightly and charming.
A lady sitting in the middle is holding a cup.She has no eye blow and her teeth are painted in black.It shows she is the oldest one and also a leader of court ladies.
五人囃子【GONIN BAYASHI】Those 5 boys playing music are sons of aristocracies.
A Large drum,small drum,hand drum,flute and a singer.They have been practiced hard and today is the special day to appeal the achievement in front of many guests.
随身【ZUISHIN】They are guard men protecting a prince and princess,holding allows and bows.
An old man is 左大臣【SADAIJIN】“the Minister of Left”and young man is 右大臣【UDAIJIN】”the Minister of Right”.
The Minister of the Left is the top of politics like nowadays the Prime Minister,Abe Shinzo.
He is usually having a long silver bear and hair.
The Minister of Right,No.2 of the politician is usually handsam, young man. May be Shinichirou Koizumi, nowadays!?
Those beautiful flowers are 桜【SAKURA】Cherry blossom.
and 橘【TACHIBANA】,kind of citrus orange blossom.
Sakura is placed on the left and Tachibana is on the right as same as they were planted at palace.
You can also watch these trees at Kyoto palace today,too.
・仕丁【SICYOU】Those three guys are common people,not aristocracies. They were forced to work at court.
Look at each of their face!
A man in the middle holding a step of shoes is almost crying.
At first,I have thought these shoes smell and he is crying, but it was also one of the rules of Hina dolls.
Each of these three guys has smile,
and anger face.
They are common people and they have lively emotions while other all noble people’s faces only have faint smiles.
This style of gorgeous dolls have started at Edo period,so these Sicyou guy’s heads are shaved followed by a custam among common people at that time.
By the way,a smiling man is holding sunshade parasol ,a man who is angry is holding a stand for parasol.And crying man is holding shoes…
Don’t you think that their natures makes their work?
And in many dolls,crying man is young,angry man is middle aged and smiling man is old.It also teaches us something,I feel…
What a deep world of Hina dolls!?
●At the end,let me show you trousseau.
Those are the household goods that a princess brings with her when she marries.
Chests,clothes,mirror stand, lacquered tiered food boxes, a set of tea tools, braziers.
●A palanquin for prince and An ox cart for a princess are ready,too!
OK,Let’s start the wedding ceremony❗❗❗
All HINA dolls have the almost same rules.
Please check them if you found Hina dolls in Japan on March.
※(1)HINA means small and kawaii thing like a baby bird.