GOD is The Only One Creator of this World in One-God religions.
Judaism YHWH, Christian GOD and Islam ALLAH is a creator of this world and all those religious are
一神教【ISSHIN-KYOU】;One- God religions.
(They are all brother religious having same god, only different names.
So I hope they are in good relationships.)
神道【SHINTOU】Shintoism has so many 神【KAMI】s and it is 多神教【TA-SIN-KYOU】;many gods religious.
神【KAMI】is sometimes translated into God,but they have different nature.
In ancient time, Shinto was pure faith to spirits those are devined all things which are not usually.
Big stones,high mountains,fire place of kitchen,toilet…even human could be 神【KAMI】
(May be it is unbelievable for Christian if we translate KAMI into GOD ).
Sintoist scripture 古事記【KOJIKI】and 日本書紀【NIHON-SHOKI】says 天御中主命【AMENO-MINAKANUSHINO-MIKOTO】is the first KAMI and is the center of the world or the creator of this world similar to GOD.
How differnt from神【KAMI】and 仏【HOTOKE】?
Recently young Japanese tend to confuse with 神【KAMI】and 仏【HOTOKE/BUTSU】,
and sometime difficult to distinguish 神社【JINJYA】 from寺【TERA】.
Of course, 仏【HOTOKE】is basically 仏陀【BUHDDA】 but there are so many other 仏 in Japan.
In Buddhism,大日如来【DAINICHI-NYORAI】is the center of the universe and written in the centers of
I heard that in Indonesia, there is god who made many other universe
except our universe where we live.
That’s sounds magnificent!
I want to know many religions all around the world.
I think,if it is religion to think about after death,
and if the truth is one,
it’s like there is the only one big mountain.
Differences of religion are
only where we start to climb,
or what place we are.
So,one of my dreams is to make a map of
world religion during I’m living.