錦鯉【NISHGIKI-GOI】 had been breed from a black carp and improved into beautiful Red,Black,White,Gold,Orange,and Silver colors. 鯉【KOI/GOI】means carp as you know, and 錦【NISHIKI】means colored silk textiles. 中越【CHU-ETSU】;middle part area of Niigata prefecture is the birth place and we have tours.
1.History of NISHIKI-GOI
2.Kinds of NISHIKI-GOI
3.Most famous region is middle area of 新潟【NIIGATA】prefecture
4.How to term NISHIKI-GOI
5.Tour Information1.History of NISHIKI-GOI
Nishiki-goi has been breed from black edible carps and improved into various colors.
It is said that breeding has started from former 江戸【EDO】period at least in the middle era of Niigata prefecture. called 中越【CYUU-ETSU】including 小千谷【OZIYA】City and 山古志【YAMAKOSHI】village.
Recently,they are exported to various places in the world and they are also called “world largest garden fishes”.
2.Kinds of NISHIKI-GOI
●紅白【KOUHAKU】 Literally mean “Red and White“.
They have red patterns on the white skin.
It’s a base of NISHIKIGOI and many colors has been created from this kind.
It is said that white is as good as white, and scarlet as red is better.
●大正三色【TAISYOU SAN-SHIKI】 Taisyou is a name of era, 1912-1925.→(When Emperors change, names of the era also change in Japan .) SAN-SHIKI literally means “three colors”.
This is created at Taisyou era as it’s name.
The base color is white, and red and black added after that.
●昭和三色【SYOUWA SAN-SHIKI】 昭和【SYOUWA】 is also a name of era( ).→(When Emperors change, anames of the era also change in Japan .) It was made at the begging part of SYOUWA.
The basic color is black while TAISYOW’s one is white. Their bodies are black when they were born,and white and red appears gradually.
A basic color is white and having yellow patterns.
It was rare at the first time,but 長岡【NAGAOKA】City’s fisheries experimental station succeeded to sustainable creation.
Some countries favor yellow ones and they are popular among people from abroad.
3.The most famous region is middle area of 新潟【NIIGATA】prefecture
NISHIKIGOI had been breed at middle era of Niigata prefecture called 中越【CYUU-ETSU】
including 小千谷【OZIYA】City and 山古志【YAMAKOSHI】village.
5.Tour information to NISHIKIGOI FARM in 山古志【YAMAKOSHI】