帯【OBI】:5 Kinds of 帯【OBI(Sash belt) 】and other items you need to wear 着物【KIMONO】.
1.袋帯【FUKURO-OBI】 2.丸帯【MARU-OBI】The most gorgeous, formal OBI. 3.名古屋帯【NAGOYA-OBI】 4.半幅帯【HANHABA-OBI】 5.兵児帯【HEKO-OBI】
1.袋帯【FUKURO-OBI】Formal and semi-formal.
Back and front clothes are sewn together like a bag and there is no pattern on the back side.
It’s basically suitable for 振袖【FURI-SODE】黒留袖【KURO TOME-SODE】色留袖【IRO TOME-SODE】訪問着【HOUMONGI】, so on.
The wide is about 30 cm and length is about 4 meters 30 cm.

2. 丸帯【MARU-OBI(Whole Obi)】The most formal 帯【OBI】for brides, princess or traditional performances like 能【NOH】or 歌舞伎【KABUKI】.
The heaviest, longest and the most gorgeous OBI hold and sewed holding double-wide cloth. Patterns are on front and back, both. It is difficult to tie by oneself.
It’s rale and used for only bride costume of wedding, 芸者【GEISYA】/芸妓【GEIGI】, 能【NOU】,歌舞伎【KABUKI】, 日本舞踊【NIHON-BUYOU(Japanese traditional dance)】.

Part wrapping about body is hold half and sow, and easy to wear.
It’s suitable for 付下【TSUKESAGE】小紋【KOMON】紬【TSUMUGI】.
Length is about 3m 60 cm, wide is about 30.4 cm.
一重太鼓【ICHIJYUU-DAIKO(One layered drum)】shape is orthodox to tie.

半幅帯【HANHABA-OBI】literally means half-wide OBI. Wide is about 17 cm, length is about 3.6 ~ 4 m. It is suitable for casual 小紋【KOMON】and 浴衣【YUKATA】.
You need not 帯揚【OBI-AGE(cloth to hold OBI)】 nor 帯締め【OBI-JIME(string to hold OBI)】and easy to tie and very casual OBI.
Some of them are reversible and you can enjoy color contrast depend on shapes of tie.literally means half-wide OBI. Wide is about 17 cm, length is about 3.6 ~ 4 m. It is suitable for casual 小紋【KOMON】and 浴衣【YUKATA】.
You need not 帯揚【OBI-AGE(cloth to hold OBI)】 nor 帯締め【OBI-JIME(string to hold OBI)】and easy to tie and very casual OBI.
Some of them are reversible and you can enjoy color contrast depend on shapes of tie.

兵児帯(へこおび)is soft, tie-die crape OBI. It is used for 浴衣【YUKATA】of men or children.
Recently, women use for YUKATA, too.
Wide is from 50 to 74 cm. It’s very easy to tie, without any practice, just make a butterfly knot.

Kimono’s 格【KAKU(rank)】:”Painted” is higher than ”Woven” while about to Obi’s rank, ”Woven” is higher than ”Painted”.
There is a word “Painted KIMONO and woven OBI”.Instead of it, Woven Kimono and Painted OBI” is good.
3. What you need when you wear KIMONO?
1着物【KIMONO】/ 2.帯【OBI】 /3.草履【ZORI】 or 下駄【GETA】/4. 足袋【 TABI】/5.襦袢【JYUBAN】6.半衿【HAN-ERI】/7.帯揚【OBI-AGE】/8帯締【OBI-JIME】/9. 羽織【HAORI】 or COAT(in cold season)
<Under wear>10.肌襦袢【HADA-JYUBAN】
<Tools to wear KIMONO>11.腰紐【KOSHI-HIMO】(2〜3)/12.伊達締【DATE-JIME】/13帯枕【OBI-MAKURA】/14帯板【OBI-ITA】/衿芯【ERI-SHIN】

新潟県【NIIGATA-PREFECTURE】is deep snow country making Kimono for mid-summer.
帯【OBI】is a rectangle weaved clothes tie to hold Kimonos.
There are various way to tie.
お太鼓【O-TAIKO】Standard way of OBI
The most standard way is called 太鼓【TAIKO】, it means Japanese drum.
It is created by a GEISYA in EDO era.
She crossed 太鼓橋【TAIKO-BASHI】drum bridge with this way of OBI and it became very popular
among common people.
You need 帯締【OBI-JIME】string to hold OBI ,
String in the center of OBI is OBI-JIME and cloth above OBI is OBI-AGE cloth.
From side, you can see OBI-JIME string is holding OBI.