懐石【KAISEKI】literally mean ‘holding stone’ cuisine. It comes from Zen monks holded warm stones to ease their hunger.Light meal enough to avoid to drink strong stimulate Macha when your stomach is empty.
<<茶事【CHAJI】for Very Beginners>>
It might be one of very good experiences to learn
Japanese very formal traditional manners to have 懐石【KAISEKI】cuisines!
We are preparing for special program.
Ms.Tsuruko Hanzawa(半澤鶴子),world famous tea master who is introduced by NHK World broadcast all over the world will prepare seasonal KAISEKI Cuisine only for you.
Orders to eat , kinds and number of foods, how to use and put bowls or chopsticks, bowls and plates they are very finely determined.
It’s very efficient and no waste. So systematic!
A set of these three and 利休箸【RIKYU-BASHI】are served at first.
- 飯/A bowl of small amount of plain rice.
Leave rice little because at the end part of the KAISEKI course, you need this to wipe a bowl(!) and return to the host. It come from a custom of ZEN Buddhism monks.It’s too little…
You can refill rice later, don’t worry. - 汁/Small amount of Miso soup.
- 向付【MUKOU-TSUKE】/Simple side dish put over rice and soup. Literally mean ‘set over there ‘. ex.刺身【SASHIMI】sliced low fishes/Law meat ,fish , vegetable mixed with vinegar and other seasoning/ぬた【NUTA】;Seafood or vegetables, seasoning made of 味噌【MISO】fermented soybean paste and vinegar is over/ etc. It is said eating MUKOU-TSUKE is after SAKE is served, is rule.
- 酒【SAKE】/SAKE is served by a set of bottle and small cups by 亭主【TEISYU】;main host of the ceremony.SAKE!?
Yes, Samurai worriers liked it;-) - 煮物【NI-MONO】literally means boiled things. In tea ceremonies, しんじょ【SHINJYO】steamed or deep fried whitefish or shrimp paste dumplings, 麩【FU】very soft bread-like wheat gluten piece, some vegetables are boiled and served up beautifully.
- 焼物【YAKI-MONO】literally means fried things. Usually grilled fish is served.▶︎一汁三菜【ICHI-JYU,SAN-SAI】,”1 soup and 3 dishes ” is the basic set of Japanese cuisine and it is said they are very healthy, well balanced foods.
- 預け鉢【AZUKE-BACHI】A dish host recommends, served by one bowl.
Guests take them for each by theirselves and they return their empty dishes and bowls to the host.For example, 炊き合せ【TAKIAWASE】cook materials boiled separately and serve together is often served as AZUKE-BACHI.
- 吸い物【SUI-MONO】literally means suck-thing /箸洗い【HASHI-ARAI】washing chopsticks
Small amount clear soup in a bowl.
You use a lid of bowl of SUI-MONO, put on some appetizers later.
- 酒【SAKE】/SAKE is served by a set of bottle and small cups by 亭主【TEISYU】;main host of the ceremony.SAKE!?
- 八寸【HASSUN】2 or 3 appetizers suit for sake. Literally mean 8- 寸【sun】;old Japanese unit of measuer because a size of square plate made of Cedar tree is 8-寸=25cm.
Place food from animals in front,
place food from vegetables in the back.
香の物と湯【KOUNO-MONO to YU】 Pickles and Hot water.
- 菓子 Sweets like 和生菓子【WANAMA-GASHI】are served in the end of course. Eat it by
黒文字【KURO-MOJI】black pick, made from brunches of spicebush.
▶︎松花堂弁当 literally means Pine-tree and Flower hall BENTO.
BENTO style origin from 懐石【KAISEKI】.Square Bento box is divided into cross shape.