●小間の茶会【KOMA-NO-CYAKAI】Tea ceremony in a small room less than 4 and half TATAMI mats room.
▶︎四畳半【YO-JYOU-HAN】Room of 4 and a half TATAMI mats
大寄せの茶会【OOYOSE-no- CYAKAI】 ;Tea ceremony for many people
This type of ceremony which most high possibility to encounter for tourist doing this part only.
by錦How to make MA-CHA for beginners
You can easily make Macha green powdered tea in your home!
・抹茶【Macya】Green powdered Tea about 2g
茶碗【Chawan】A tea bowl /京焼【Kyo-pottery】
茶筅【Cha-sen】A bamboo tea whisk
茶杓【Cha-sen】A bamboo tea scoop
<How to make delicious Ma-cha>
Pour hot water into the tea bowl and throw it away, then warm it up.
Wipe it with a dry cloth.
1/Put 2 or 2.5 scoops of green powdered tea about 1.5g or 2g into the tea bowl.
2/Put about 100cc of 70-80 degree hot water into a tea bowl.
3/Beat it by a tea whisk until it whips and become like cappuccino.
Enjoy it with some sweets♪鯉爺さん
COLUMN;There are roughly 7 kinds of 茶事【CYAJI】 depends on Time and Situations
●正午【SHOUGO】Evening /●朝【ASA】Morning /●暁【AKATSUKI】Dusk(Early Morninig)
●夜咄【YO-BANASHI】Night tales /●飯後【HANGO】food time Chaji without meal /●跡見【ATOMI】/Chaji for the guests who could not come to the main Chaji using same utilities/●不時【FUJi】/ Regardless of Time/●初釜【HATSU-GAMA】the fisrt time of the year/●茶開き【CHA-BIRAKI】The first day of the year to use Tea for the year
Tea leaves at first has imported from ancient continent country called 唐【TOU】to
Japan in Nara period around
2.History of SADOU and main schools
Drinking-tea custom has come from the ancient country in Eurasian continent called 唐【TOU】, where around now China is, about 1400 yeas ago.
Very famous Tea master,千利休【SEN-no-RIKYU】 has established SADOU about 400 years ago and many 侍【SAMURAI】worriers had developed the culture.
It comes to around 100 years ago, large financial cliques family groups called 財閥【ZAIBATSU】 elite families inherited the culture until the end of W.W.2.
AfterW.W.2, SADOU became popular among women to improve their cultural education and good manners to be good wives before they marriage.
The tea ceremony is always a cutting-edge culture in Japan.
2.History of SADOU and main schools
Drinking-tea custom has come from the ancient country in Eurasian continent called 唐【TOU】, where around now China is, about 1400 yeas ago.
Very famous Tea master,千利休【SEN-no-RIKYU】 has established SADOU about 400 years ago and many 侍【SAMURAI】worriers had developed the culture.
It comes to around 100 years ago, large financial cliques family groups called 財閥【ZAIBATSU】 elite families inherited the culture until the end of W.W.2.
AfterW.W.2, SADOU became popular among women to improve their cultural education and good manners to be good wives before they marriage.
The tea ceremony is always a cutting-edge culture in Japan.
as a hangover medicine.
At the first time, tea leaves like dumplings were called 団茶【DAN-CYA】.
Samurai worriers 闘茶【TOUCYA】
SADO was established by 千利休【Sen-no- Rikyu】 in about 400 years ago.
戦国武将 Samurai worriers in the period of who will hold the hegemony domestic war to
One of the 豊臣秀吉 is famous for his Golden-made tea room.
Rikyu forced cut his self 切腹【SEPPUKU】
Rikyu valued 侘び寂び【WABI-SABI】
Nowadays, there are about 10 schools are in
・Recently there are about 10 major schools.
▶︎市民程茶席by裏千家男子の会; Serving Tea seats of Citizens
If you came to Niigata on first Monday of the month, you are lucky to encounter the chance of Serving by URASENKE-DANSHI-NO -KAI;The meeting of 裏千家【URASRNKE】’s male.
▶︎What’s 裏千家【URA-SENKE】? literally means “back SEN family”
千利休【SEN-NO RIKYUU】is the most famous tea masteer in SENGOKU period he established THE WAY OF TEA.After his death, two branches have occurd , back URA-SENKE and front OMOTE-SENKE.The reason of those names are from the place The house was, URA was in the back of RIKYU’s house and OMOTE was in front of 利休’s house.