茶道【SADO】literally means “ The Road of Tea”.
When Japanese say 道 ;MICHI or road, it means truth and humanism , or even the rule of the universe .
It’s also a practical way to the enlightenment of Buddhism.
As for KANJI Chinese character of 道【MICHI】or road ,
“首”part means begin and ” 之” part means end.
In Japan, there are so many MICHI cultures like 茶道【SA-DOU】,
the way of tea, 書道【SHO-DO】 ; the way of calligraphy, 華道【KADOU】; the way of flower,
martial arts like 空手道【KARATE-DOU】,柔道【JYU-DOU】, 剣道【KEN-DO】the way of sword,
and 【BUSHI DOU】way of Samurai , etc.
In the tea ceremony, people pour everything for their customers while we have a cup of tea.Guests and
hosts taste a sense of unity as an investigator seeking enlightenment with the ultimate hospitality.
It can be said that it is almost religious.
People are reborn many times because it is for practice to approach enlightenment.
So,Everything will be the way to go and extreme.