In Japan , people has been believed that every things have their spirits from ancient times.
it is said that there are eight million 神【KAMI 】s .
eight millions 八百万【YAO-YOROZU】means so many numbers.
mountains, big and old rocks,fire,water,soil,tool smith,even toilets.
The noteworthy point is that even human beings could be KAMI after dead.
So, it might not be right to translate Kami into God.
Kami, dity or sp rit inherent everything those are not usual
like gather faith
Every Japanese are natural born 氏子【UJI-KO】,people who are under the protection of the region’s shrine’s. So, every Japanese are naturally Shintoist even though the are not so strongly conscious about it.
People go to their region’s shrine when
baby was born, to greet and pray for the spirit his or her healthy growth.
We call that custom お宮参り【O-MIYA-MAIRI】.
When children become three, five, seven years old they also go to shrine to thank the spirits children’s growth.This custom is called 七五三【SHICHI-GO-SAN】literally mean “seven-five-three” custom.
And Japanese wedding ceremony is traditionally held in Shrines.
People visit their region’s shrine every year festival it is hold in summer i
In annual festival,the spirit ride on 神輿【MIKOSHI】and look around his or her regions
There are so many stands like night market
It is recommended to watch around
New year ‘s day
新築 交通安全祈願 安産祈願
The 神主【KAN-NUSHI】calls some massages to the spirit called 祝詞【NORITO】 ,
purify things or humans by swing 祓串【HARAE-GUSHI】and get off evil spirits or exorcise .
巫女【MIKO】s ;unmarried women who care and support the spirits.
kind of shrine parishioner
The top of all shrines in Japan is 伊勢神宮【ISE-JINGU】and it is
consciousness or unconsciousness .
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