FURI-SODE, having long sleeves kimono literally means ” waved sleeves” . It’s the most formal kimono for unmarried women.
Young girls wearing gorgeous FURISODE kimono looks very
Much of Furi-sode has gorgeous pictures of classical
flowers, traditional patterns, sometimes arranged with golden foils.
▶︎If you want to watch how to make Furi-sode,
十日町【TOKA-MACHI】tour is recommended.
Only unmarried women can wear Furi-sode kimonos and if they married,they
have to wear short sleeve’s one.The reason is on the essay.
▶︎Essay:What does “waving sleeves” mean?
At the ceremony called 成人式【Seijin-siki】held in January
celebrate to be twenty years old, most women wear Furi-sode.
At the graduation ceremony of collages , middle-sized Furi-sode plus Hakama style is popular.
▶︎What’s HAKAMA?
Brides in wedding ceremony wear special patterned Furisode-kimonos.
It contains cotton in the hem of kimono.
Usually, brides wear 打掛【UCHI-KAKE】gorgeous robe over Furisode kimono or plain white kimonos.
3 patterns of bride’s traditional wearing of kimono.
Unmarried women in ceremonial occasions like wedding ceremony or very formal parties also
wear Furisode kimonos.
There are 3 types of Furi-sodes.
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