道【MICHI/DO】Way in Japanese cultures means the way to enrightment.
茶道【SADO】literally means “ The Road of Tea”. When Japanese say 道 ;MICHI or road, it means truth and humanism , or even the rule […]
茶道【SADO】literally means “ The Road of Tea”. When Japanese say 道 ;MICHI or road, it means truth and humanism , or even the rule […]
In Japan,when you start to learn traditional things like 茶道【SADO】tea way, 華道【KADO】flower way, 空手【KARATE】,日舞【NICHIBU】Japanese traditional dance,能【NOU】 etc, you will be supposed to start the practice […]
Macya contains super rich nutrition and arousal effect! As Macya is powdered whole tea leaves, amount of Vitamin C and Catechin is about 20 […]
Tea”Ceremony Demonstration for beginners” We will go to anywhere you called to demonstrate for beginners how to enjoy Tea ceremony. On the stage or some […]
In Japan, we say 茶道【SADO or CHADO】;the way of tea, 花道【KADO】;the way of flowers, 書道【SYODO】 ;the way calligraphy,柔道【JYUDO】;The way of Flexible,剣道【KENDO】The way of sword, 空手道【KARATEDO】;The way of empty hands, so […]
In Japan , people has been believed that every things have their spirits from ancient times. it is said that there are eight […]
relisions Japanese buddhism can be mainly divided into 6 way . 1天台宗 2 浄土宗 親鸞 南無阿弥陀仏 3日蓮宗 日蓮 南無妙法蓮華経 4密教 空海 曼荼羅 5禅 道元 座禅 無
振袖【Furi-sode】, literally means wave a sleeve.it Once upon a time, Japanese women shook their sleeves and told their love to their favorite man. If she […]
FURI-SODE, having long sleeves kimono literally means ” waved sleeves” . It’s the most formal kimono for unmarried women. Young girls wearing gorgeous FURISODE kimono […]
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