The Japanese beautiful traditional costume is the Kimono.
Actually, there are various kinds and places to wear which is decided according
to each case. We will show you most popular 7 types of Kimono for women.
1.振袖【FURI-SODE】 Gorgeous and fancy long sleeve kimono.
It’s for unmarried women in the most formal places like wedding or
formal ceremonies .
・The length of sleeve has three types.
<<GOLDFISH TOURS>>Toka-machi Kimono Tour / Niigata prefecture is one of the largest Kimono fabrics production area.
▶︎Essay:What did “waving sleeves” mean in the past ?
2. 留袖【TOME-SODE】
Elegant黒留袖 【Kuro-Tome-Sode】, literally means black short sleeves.
It is the most formal kimono for married woman. It is worn by bride’s mother
at wedding party or formal ceremonies like graduate or entrance.
Patterns are only written on the bottom of kimono.
・紋【Mon】 is a symbol mark transmitted to each family for generations.
・Kuro Tome Sode has totally five 紋【MON】crests on both breasts, both shoulders and back.
▶︎Essay:About MON family symbols.
3.色留袖【IRO-TOME-SODE】Colored short sleeves kimono.They can be worn by married and unmarried woman.
If the five patterns that were tailored to keep the pattern when spreading, it is and to the bride’s sister and relatives.If three crests are formal party etc.If it is a single crest, to an official tea party etc.
“Houmon-gi” literally means “Kimono for visiting”.
The patterns are arranged not only around bottom part, but also on shoulders and
chests Besides the hem. Because those patterns are lined like one picture when
spread out, so HOUMON-GI’s 格【KAKU】 is higher 格上 than TSUKE-SAGE.
put and downThose patters are like a paintHowever, if you attach one crest to the attachment, it will be higher than the one without a crest. It developed from a samurai society of the Edo era.
When the gorgeous kimono was banned in the shogunate, it is a very fine pattern that looks solid in the distance.
▶︎The place of patterns
5.色無地【IRO-MUJI】literally means colored plain kimono.
If you put one crest, you can go to wedding ceremonies and formal tea
ceremonies very well. It is a high and expensive kimono.
Small or middle sized patterns are spread all over the MOMON kimono.
It is good for temporary going out like lunch, date, casual tea ceremony etc.
Recently cheap polyester, washable Komon is very popular among young people.
▶︎Essay:3parts important to enjoy coordination of kimono much more.
◀︎Various pattern of washable KOMON kimonos.
From <金魚亭【KINGYO-TEI】events >>
Goldfish Cafe’s”Tea Ceremony for beginners”
It developed from a samurai society of the Edo era. Although it looks plain fabric at first glance, vary fine patterns are included.
Yukata is the most casual types of kimono.
Usually, you wear NAGA-JYUBAN; Jyuban long under shits under Kimono.
A Naga-jyuban is the same shape as a kimono, just like a shirt or blouse wearing under a suit.
- TOKAMACHI YUZEN -Niigata prefecture is one of the largest Kimono fabrics production area. Tokamachi Kimono Tour
▶︎TOURS:To 十日町【Tokamachi】, the town of KIMONO factories
▶︎KIMONO for men
▶︎The most for tourist is KOMON YUKATA▶︎Experiences in Japan