Generally speaking, average Japanese religions are almost explained by 神道【SHINTOU】Shintoism,
sometimes 儒教【JYUKYOU】Confucianism.
You can find so many small and large 神社【JINJYA】shrines all over Japan even in small villages.
All Japanese are belong to nearest shrine where he or she was born as 氏子【UJIKO】Shrine parishioner, so all Japanese are natural born Shintoist, regardress of they are consious it or not.

▶︎COLUMN;Say without fear of misunderstanding, Japanese has kind of Religious Allergy because in WW2 National Shintoism tied the war strongly so people seems religions something fear thing.
Buddhism has imported from India through ancient China and Cyosen peninsula to Japan in AD5. Japanese Buddhism had been developed into some original and kind of unique ways.
1.奈良仏教【NARA-BUKKYOU】A sect which is most basic that 釈迦【SYAKA】
Gautama Siddhartha’s taught was based on .
2.浄土宗/浄土真宗【JYOUDO-SYUU/JYOUDO-SIN-SYUU】literally means “Pure land Sect” and
“Real Pure Land” Sect. A key word is 南無阿弥陀仏【MAMU-AMIDABUTSU】.Believers pray
“please make me reborn at pure , paradise land where Amitabha Buddha ruins, after I dead”.

3.日蓮宗【NICHIREN-SYUU】/A monk 日蓮【NICHIREN】is a founder.
A key phrase is南無妙法蓮華経【NAMU-MYOUHOU-RENGE-KYOU】.
“I’m dedicated in rare and splendid Lotus Sutra,which is the last sutra 釈迦【SHAKA】taught .

4.禅【ZEN】Sect/Sitting and meditating to be the mind of 無【MU】”nothing “reaching for enlightenment.
Key sutla is 般若心経【HANNYA-SHIN-GYOU】means “sutla of true wisdom” and it
explain about 空【KU】”empty”.

⇒ JAPANESE CULTURE EXPERIENCES:You can experience 座禅【ZAZEN】at temple.
5.密教【MIKKYOU】Secret or hidden taught-Sect,trying to connect with Buddhas directry with secret ways.
曼荼羅【MANDARA】is a pattern which universe are explained with various kinds of Buddha.
大日如来【DAINICHI-NYORAI】is in the center and he is a creator of the universe.

⇒TOUR TO 寺町【TERA-MACHI】,Town of many Temples.You can watch every kinds of Japanese temples!
儒教【JYUKYOU】or Confucianism was formulated by孔子【KOUSHI】in ancient China as
春秋戦国【SYUN-JYUU-SENGOKU】:Spring and Autumn Warring State Period (BC770-BC221).
It emphasis on ancestor worship and devotion to parents,family and friends and it
influence on social system like company or school of Japanese.
Is Japan a country which harmonized even religious? Since when 聖徳太子【SYOUTOKU-TAISHI】 said “和【WA】harmony must be precious”, Japan became a country most value harmony.
▶︎There is a temple any religion can be buried in Nishikan-ku,Niigata.
▶︎七福神【SHICHI-FUKU-JIN】;Seven lucky gods
Many Japanese people are non religious?
One consideration of why Japanese are not looks so religious.
<4>Christianity in Japan
<5>Islam in Japan